Traveling English


Departure Hall 出发大厅
Arrival Hall 到达大厅
airport fee机场费
international airport国际机场
domestic airport国内机场
airport terminal机场候机楼
international terminal国际候机楼
international departure国际航班出港
domestic departure国内航班出港;domestic国内的,家庭的/də’mestɪk/
in入口;exit,out,way out出口
nothing to declare/dɪ’kleə/不需报关
gate,departure gate登机口
departure lounge/laʊn(d)ʒ/候机室
FLT No(flight number)航班号
arrival from来自…
scheduled time(SCHED)预计时间
actual time实际时间
departure to前往
departure time起飞时间
stairs and lifts to departures由此乘坐电梯前往登机
greeting arrival /‘griːtɪŋ/迎宾处
money exchange,currency exchange货币兑换处;currency n. 货币;通货
hotel reservation订旅馆
luggage locker行李暂存处
boarding pass/card登机牌
passport control immigration护照检查处;immigration外来移民
luggage/baggage claim行李领取处,check in luggage托运行李carry-on luggage随身行李 /kleɪm/;claim要求
international passengers国际航班旅客
transfer passengers中转旅客
goods to declare报关物品
V. I. P. room贵宾室
ticket office购票处
taxi pick-up point出租车乘车点
coach pick-up point大轿车乘车点;coach教练;旅客车厢;长途公车
airline coach service航空公司汽车服务
car hire/‘haɪə/ 旅客自己驾车的租车处
bus/coach service公共汽车
public phone/telephone公用电话
coffee shop/cafe咖啡馆
duty-free shop免税店;duty责任,关税,职务
rail ticket出售火车票
tour arrangement旅途安排

endorsements认可,签注/ɪn’dɔːsm(ə)nt; en-/restrictions限制,约束
name of passengers旅客姓名
good for passage between旅行经停地点
flight no.航班号;seat no.座位号;status订座情况
smoking seat吸烟座位;non-smoking seat非吸烟座位
ticket confirm机票确认

accompaying number偕行人数occupation职业professional/technical专业技术人员
nationality/country of citizenship国籍;citizenship公民身份;国籍;公民权
country of origin原住地
city where visa was issued签证签发地;issue n.问题;发行物;v.发行,放出
date issue签证日期
address while in前往国家的地址
number and address门牌和地址

scene expansion 机场广播
You have just arrived in your destination.
Could you please take me to the airport, terminal 1? 可以载我去机场的1号航站吗?
information desk 信息咨询台
check-in desk 办理登机的柜台
Is it the right counter to check in for flight CA731? 柜台
I’d like to check in the flight to Beijing at 12:10. Here is my passport.
May I check in, please?
Excuse me, I’d like to check-in to my room, please. 你好,我想要办理房间入住手续。
Excuse me, do you know where the information/check-in desk is?
you: Hi, I’m flying to Los Angeles.
staff:May I have your passport, please?
you: Yea. Sure. Here you go!
aisle seat 靠过道的座位,window seat 靠窗的座位
Can I have an aisle seat/window seat, please?
security check安检
liquids, gels, and creams must all be in containers under 100ml (milliliters).液体、胶体、面霜都必须放在盒子里,而且必须少于100ml。
Please lay your bags flat on the conveyer belt and put all your electronics in the tray. 请把你的包放在传送带上并把电子产品放在托盘里。/flæt/平放,/kən’veɚ/,/treɪ/
Do I need to take my laptop/ipad out of my bag?
Do I need to take off my shoes/jacket?
Please raise your arms like this.请举起手臂。
Please turn around。请转个身。
staff: Do you have any luggage to check in?你有行李要托运吗?
you: Yes, I have one luggage to check in and one carry-on.对,我有一件行李托运而且一件随身行李。
staff: Please put your luggage on the scale. /skeɪl/规模,比例;衡量,攀登,剥落
overweight luggage行李超重
staff: Here are your passport and your boarding pass!给你护照和登机牌
airport announcement机场通知
Attention all passengers. Flight 1234(航班号)from Beijing to Los Angeles has been delayed due to bad weather on the ground(由于地面天气原因). We apologize for the inconvenience.
Attention all passengers traveling on Flight 1234(航班号),we are now boarding(登机) at gate(登机口) E8. Please have your boarding pass ready. Thank you.
Attention all passengers traveling on Flight 1234, the departure gate(登机口) has been changed to gate E22.
Could you show me where seat 18A is? 请问18A在哪里?
You’re in my seat.
飞机上用餐:Chinese food中式套餐,Western food西式套餐
Coffee, please.
Could you bring me a blanket/headphone/headset/pillow? 能给我一条毯子/耳机/枕头吗?
I don’t feel well. Do you have any medicine for airsickness? 你们有没有晕机药
Where is the nearest lavatory? 请问最近的洗手间在哪里?/‘lævət(ə)rɪ/红色表示有人occupied,绿色表示没人vacant /‘veɪk(ə)nt/turbulence乱流,需要系好安全带
oxygen mask氧气罩
life jacket救生衣


不能排错队:visitor观光旅客(non-citizen非公民);citizen公民/residents居民;PR(permanent resident)绿卡,永久居民
提前准备好护照和海关申报单(customs declaration form)/deklə’reɪʃ(ə)n/ 海关申报单一般是在飞机上填写的,填写的内容有姓名、酒店、日程等。
Where can I have a customs declaration form?
Where should I pay duty on this? 在哪里缴税?
Excuse me, where will the customs procedure take place? 我是在这里办理通关手续吗?
custom: What’s your final destination? 一般会在转机的时候经常问
you: I’m gonna/I’m going to transfer to …
custom: What’s the purpose of your visit/Why are you here?
you: I’m here to visit my friend.
custom: How long are you planning to stay/How long will you stay?
you: My return flight is on (回程航班日期). 美国表达习惯January the fourteenth;澳洲表达习惯fourteenth of January
custom: Where will you be staying?
you: I will stay at the hotel/Airbnb.
custom: So you are not carrying any illegal stuff with you (, are you)? 你没带什么违禁物品吧?
you: No, I’m not.


I’d like to reserve a table for tonight.
How long do we have to wait?
May I take your order, please? 可以点餐了吗?
May I have a menu, please? 请给我一下菜单。
May I have a window seat, please? 我能要个靠窗的座位吗?May I see your ticket, please? 请给我看一下您的票。
I’d like a cup of coffee, please.
I would like to have one more coffee, please.
I’d like the steak. /steɪk/牛排
steam bum馒头,dumpling饺子,wonton馄饨,coriander香菜,garlic大蒜,ginger姜,curry咖喱粉,vinegar醋,soy酱油,salt盐,sugar糖,Yogurt酸奶,draught beer扎啤(生啤酒)draught/drɑːft/同draft ,Iced Americano冰美式咖啡
海鲜:tuna金枪鱼/吞拿鱼,lobster龙虾,crayfish小龙虾,clam蛤,crab螃蟹,cucumber黄瓜/‘kjuːkʌmbə/,sea cucumber海参,salmon三文鱼,surf clam北极贝,oyster生蚝/牡蛎,shrimp虾,squid鱿鱼,caviar鱼子酱 /‘kævɪɑː; ,kævɪ’ɑː/,scallop扇贝/‘skɒləp; ‘skæləp/
I’d like some marinated grilled shrimp for starters. 我要一个腌烤虾作为开头菜。marinate /‘mærɪneɪt/浸泡在卤水中,grill烧,烤
baked oyster烤牡蛎, the lobster and the seafood platter 海鲜拼盘
I’m allergic to seafood. 我对海鲜 /ə’lɜːdʒɪk/过敏

make a reservation预定(餐位、酒店等)
rent a car租车call a cab打车(cab才是非常的口语化,而taxi比较正式。比如我们在这边打车(国外的出租车一般比较少,很多时候需要打电话叫车)都会说 May I call a cab to XXX place. 很少有人会用taxi)wrap the food up打包食物/ræp/
try it on试穿
What’s today’s special?
I’d like to try today’s special.我想尝尝今天的招牌菜。
Please give me a doggy bag.请给我一个打包带
bowl碗,spoon勺子,a pair of chopsticks一双筷子,toothpick牙签,napkin餐巾纸,straw吸管

combo套餐 /‘kɒmbəʊ/
I’d like a number 2 combo, please.我想要一份2号套餐。
Two number 3s, please.两份3号套餐。
chicken nuggets鸡块,chicken/fish burger鸡/鱼堡,fries薯条,black tea红茶,onion rings洋葱圈/‘ʌnjən/,milk shake奶昔,hot chocolate热巧克力,sundae圣代,orange juice柳橙汁,strawberry草莓口味,vanilla香草味,hot dog热狗,bacon猪熏肉
I’d like a chicken burger with one large fries and a milk shake.我想要一个鸡堡,一份薯条和一个奶昔。flavor口味,sauces酱汁
ketchup番茄酱,tomato sauce番茄沙司,sweet and sour sauces糖醋酱,sour/saʊə/酸的,发酵
Could I change Coke to black tea?可以把可乐换成红茶吗?
No onions/pickles/cheese on may hamburger, please.
Do you have any straws/napkins?有没有吸管/餐巾纸?
一般国外可以续杯的:Are refills free?可以免费续杯吗?
Is that for here/stay or to go?你是在这儿吃呢,还是带走呢?
No change.给的钱刚刚好,不用找零。

you: Excuse me. I’m sorry, but it doesn’t seem like what I ordered.
staff: Sorry, but this is it. / What you see is what you get.
you: I’ll have it anyway. / I don’t think so. It does’t match the picture on the menu. This is not what I pay for. You’re gonna make it up to me, or just cancel it, please. 请给我换菜或取消订单。make it up to 解决
staff: Fine.
Excuse me, check, please. / I’d like to pay, please show me the bill/check.
Can I pay by credit card/WeChat/Alipay?
Thank you, this is your tip. 谢谢,这是你的小费。
Something’s wrong with my bill. I didn’t have the beer.


you: I made a reservation under the name of somebody, and I’d like to check in.我预定了某人名下的房间,现在想办理住宿登记。(预定的房间一般包含房费、服务费及政府税,但不包含酒店里签单的项目,因此入住时可能需要交付押金deposit /dɪ’pɒzɪt/)
reception: I’m sorry, but we don’t have any record of your reservation. 我们没有你的预订记录。
you: Could you help me to check in first? I’ll ask the booking agency. 可以先帮我办理入住吗,这个问题我会询问代理机构。
Do you have any rooms available now? I need a twin room. single room单人间,double room双人床的双人间,twin room两个单人床的双人间,suite room套房/swiːt/
What’s the reception number?
Can I pay by credit card? 我可以用信用卡支付吗?(退房时如果没有产生)
BNB(bed and breakfast)含有早餐的住宿
entire place整套房子,private room独立房间,heating暖气,kettle电热水壶,bathroom(share or private)卫生间/浴室(共享或私人),lock on bedroom door独立的卧室门锁
What’s the WiFi password?
I can’t connect to the Internet.我连不上网。
The toilet is blocked and won’t flush.马桶堵住了,不能冲水。
Excuse me, there is no hot water in the bathroom.complimentary免费赠送
room service客房服务
The air conditioner in my room doesn’t work. 空调faucet水龙头/‘fɔːsɪt/
The room is so noisy. I have to change a quiet room.
I want an extension of my room. 我想要续房。
I’d like to check out now. 我想要现在退房。
Could I store my luggage here? 我可以把行李寄存在这里吗?
Would you please call me a taxi? 如果需要叫车服务,也可以直接拜托酒店前台。


Could you tell the way to the subway station/supermarket? 你可以告诉我地铁站/超市怎么走吗?
Are there any landmarks on the way? 沿途有什么地标吗?
block街区,over there在那边,next to隔壁,crossroads十字路口,traffic light红绿灯,go along沿着
How far is it from here? 从这到那远吗?
How can I get there? walking, by taxi, by subway
How much (is the fare) to the airport? 到机场的费用是多少?fare票价,费用;进展
driver: By meter or fixed fare? 是打表还是固定费率?(一般差不多)


Excuse me, where can I find the shampoos?
paste张贴,膏 /peɪst/;post张贴,岗位,邮件
toothbrush牙刷,toothpaste牙膏,tissue面巾纸,towel毛巾,instant noodle方便面(instant立即的),mineral water矿泉水,mineral矿物质
Do you sell them individually or by weight? 请问这些是论个卖还是论斤卖?
cash desk收银台,self checkout自主结账
Please give me a big shopping bag.
Can I pay in cash/by credit card? 可以用现金/信用卡支付吗?
on sale打折促销,50% off半价,buy one and get one free买一送一,30% discount打七折
Can I try it on? fitting room试衣间
cosmetic化妆品:cleansing gel洁面乳、洁面膏,facial mask面膜,essence /‘es(ə)ns/精华液,lotion /‘ləʊʃ(ə)n/乳液,moisturizer/‘mɒɪstʃəraɪzə(r)/保湿霜,foundation粉底,eyeliner眼线笔,eye shadow眼影,mascara/mæ’skɑːrə/睫毛膏,blush腮红,lipstick口红,perfume香水
eyelash/‘aɪlæʃ/睫毛,eyebrow /‘aɪbraʊ/眉毛
Do you have trial samples? 请问有试用品吗?

May I beg your pardon? 对不起,可以再说一遍吗?Pardon me?
I honestly didn’t mean it. 我真不是故意的。
Can you forgive me? 你能原谅我吗?
I apologize for that. 我对此感到抱歉。


beach umbrella海滩伞,sunshade遮阳伞,broad brim hat宽檐帽/brɪm/边缘,sunglasses太阳镜,sunscreen cream防晒霜,sunscreen lotion防晒乳,sunscreen spray防晒喷雾;sunscreen遮光剂,防晒霜,spry /spreɪ/ 喷雾
I’d like to rent a beach umbrella.
Warm up yourself before you swim. 游泳前先热身。
Help! Help me! I got a cramp in my leg! /kræmp/痉挛
puckered lips嘟嘴,pucker/‘pʌkə/折皱,缩拢,grimace/funny face扮鬼脸,victory/peace sign剪刀手,say cheese
Could you help me take a picture? 相机拍照还可以说成take a shot
portrait picture竖版照片,landscape picture横版照片,portrait n.肖像,描写,landscape风景
Could you help take a picture with the …(建筑物等)?可以帮我跟…合个影吗?
This photography is a little bit blurry. 这张照片有点模糊了。/‘blɜːrɪ/
Sorry, I blinked in the photo. Could you please help me take one more? 对不起我眨眼了,你能再帮我拍一张吗?
Great! Thanks a lot! You’re a fantastic photographer.
This picture is really well taken.
西雅图和洛杉矶之间的Coast Starlight被认为是最壮观的列车线路之一。
I’d like to buy two Pacific Surfliner round-trip tickets。我想要两张太平洋冲浪线的往返票。
美国:one-way ticket单程票,round-trip ticket往返票
英国:single ticket单程票,return ticket来回票
What’s the fare? 票价多少?(一般观光火车的价格较贵)
premium卧铺票(premium/‘priːmɪəm/ 额外费用,溢出),车票自动包含一日三餐
coach seat坐票,需要提前预定午餐、晚餐;couch /kaʊtʃ/长沙发
I’d like to make a reservation for two at 6:30 tonight.我想预约今晚6:30,两个人的位置。


I have got a headache and sore throat. 我头痛、喉咙痛。
I’ve got the runs. 我拉肚子了。
I have a terrible toothache./‘tuːθeɪk/
high temperature高烧,heart attack心脏病发,diabetes糖尿病,asthma气喘,high blood pressure高血压,stomachache胃痛
I’m allergic to amoxicillin. /ə,mɑksɪ’sɪlɪn/我对阿莫西林过敏。
I’m pregnant. 我怀孕了。
take your temperature量体温,check-up检查,take your blood pressure量血压,X-ray x光片,
urinalysis /,jʊərɪ’nælɪsɪs/验尿,blood test验血
How should I take this medicine?这个药我该怎么服用?


small change小钞、零钱
将100美元换成零钱:Small change, please. 3 twenties, 3 tens and the rest in coins, please. 请帮我换小钞,3张20元,3张10元,其余的换零钱。in 1 dollars换成1美元
What’s the exchange rate for RMB to the Thai Baht? 人民币兑换成泰铢的汇率是多少?
I’d like to change 500 US dollars. How much will that be in RMB yuan?

美国的货币单位为美元(dollar),1美元(one dollar)等于100美分(100 cents)。纸币面额最小为1美元,1美元以下用硬币,硬币有25美分(Quarter/‘kwɔːtə/)、10美分(a dime/daɪm/,一角)、5美分(a nickel/‘nɪk(ə)l/)、1美分(a cent)
英国的货币单位:pound英镑,便士(单数:penny,复数:pence)。一英镑(one pound)等于100新便士(100 newpece)。所有硬币正面皆为英国君主像,背面除铸有币值外,在不同行政区所铸的硬币铸有不同的图案,但不论硬币于那个行政区铸造,皆全国通用。